A lot of people prefer spending their free time playing video games. This trend became especially popular after the introduction of fast internet and multiplayer games. The interesting fact is that some titles are now even considered sports, in a new category known as eSports.
Some of the most popular games for competitions are Call of Duty, Dota, LoL, Counter-Strike, and more. On the other hand, there are people who prefer simplicity instead of playing some complex games. If you are interested in low-spec and simple titles, check out this website.
Furthermore, we have to mention that streaming platforms are very popular as well. You can find numerous people who are sharing videos and live streams of their virtual adventures. Some of them managed to get famous this way. Besides that, some people would be surprised when they hear that some famous stars are also fans of video games. Here are some famous celebrities known for spending a lot of time while playing video games.
1. Neymar Junior

While most people prefer watching this guy while performing magic on the field when he is playing football, one of the best players of all time is also known for his virtual performances in Fortnite. There are over 250 million people who are following his account on Facebook where he often streams this games.
Many other sport players are also active in the field of eSports, like Anthony Davies, Antoine Griezman, Andrea Pirlo, and more. Also, we have to mention the Ousmanne Dembele, who even got issues with his club Barcelona since he started to show signs of gaming addiction.
2. Mila Kunis

If you know the main features of WoW, we understand if you find it surprising that Mila is playing this game all the time. She was talking that she was quite struggling to keep control and pay more attention to other activities when she started to play this game. Besides the famous RPG, Mila is also experienced in Call of Duty, which is her favorite title at the moment.
3. Samuel L. Jackson

Most people love this guy for his unique appearance and freedom of speech that he is encouraging in his own way, by cursing all the time. The interesting fact is that his favorite video game somehow suits perfectly to his character, and that game is GTA. Also, we have to mention that he was even included in GTA San Andreas, where he was providing a voice for one of the side characters. Besides this open-world game, he also prefers CoD and Fallout.
4. Henry Cavill

The first thing many people would think when they hear that Henry is a gamer is whether he is playing Witcher, and the answer is yes. He is a huge fan of this game. On the other hand, his favorite title is WoW, which he is playing for a very long time. Players who like this game find it quite interesting since Superman is also playing it.
5. Daniel Craig

It is interesting when we can hear about famous actors who are known for their roles in action movies like playing action video games as well. That is the case with Daniel Craig, most popular for his role as James Bond. The secret agent spends more time playing GTA and Halo. His favorite GTA sequel is Vice City.
6. Megan Fox

This actress said that she grew up playing all sorts of games on consoles. Her favorite console is X Box, while the game she finds the most attractive at the moment is Halo. Even though she has a family and a lot of work, there is always some free time that she can spend playing video games.
7. Will Arnett

A lot of people that video games are popular only among younger generations, we can see that middle-aged people are enjoying them at the same level these days. Will said that most of this free time he is spent in front of his X Box. His favorite title is Call of Duty.
8. Eminem

This name is not a big surprise on this list. Video games somehow goes perfectly with rappers since many people think that they spend most of the day while chilling in their apartments and enjoying life. While Eminem is known for his activities and many projects, there is still enough time for virtual entertainment, where he prefers games like CoD.
He is not the only one from the music industry as well since other hip hop stars are also big video game fans, like Snoop Dog, Drake, The Game, and more. Most of them also prefer shooting games like Fortnite and CoD.
9. Jack Black

The most interesting fact about this actor is that there are many games featuring him as a character, like Brutal Legend, Goosebumps Dead of Night, and more. The most recent title is called Psychonauts 2. Moreover, he even has a YT channel where he is streaming videos while playing all kinds of games, both retro and new, along with some old arcade machines.
Last Words
People love to hear these stories about famous people enjoying in the same activities as they do. The most interesting part is when you find out that your favorite actor is playing the same games as you are. It will make people love their favorite celeb stars even more.
Also, we have to mention that there was a huge expansion of online streams during the pandemic, when many celebrities decided to share their activities while playing games on PC or consoles. Some of them are very good in gaming as well.
On the other side, there are people who managed to become popular after sharing their performances or winning some big tournaments. Some of them can already be considered celeb stars as well, like Pew Die Pie, Ninja, Mark Fischbach, Dan TDM, Evan Fong, and other people who managed to get millions of fans from all over the world and become popular while they were streaming their outstanding performances or entertaining acts.